Hair Transplant in Hyderabad | Hair Transplantation in AP

Hair Transplantation :

Radiance Hair Clinic is the best Hair Transplantation Clinic in Andhra Pradesh
Hair transplantation is a simple & superficial procedure that involves extracting live root bearing hair follicles from the donor area (back & sides of the head) and implanting them on to the recipient area (bald area). These transplanted hair roots behave and grow similarly to the hair from where they are extracted.
After re-growth, these transplanted hairs can be managed just like natural, existing hair. They can be shampooed or dyed and doesn’t require any medicines to maintain growth. Even after complete shaving or tonsuring, these hairs will grow back and continue to do so for the rest of the life.
It is primarily aimed to treat baldness in both men and women. It is also used to restore eyebrows, moustache and beard and to fill the scars caused by accidents, burns and surgeries like facelifts etc…
As the hair follicles grow in groups of 1 to 4 or 5 today’s most advanced techniques help in transplanting these groups of follicles also called as Follicular Units (grafts) and thus achieving almost natural looking
Latest techniques like…
Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Grafting (URFUG)
Dense Packing
Mega & Super Mega Sessions
Trichophytic closure

FUE or DHT Technique
The very latest method is combining both FUT and FUE techniques in a single session.

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